Oh, yes, we also have a few questions for you! Mommy and I were chatting the other night and she asked if my heart hangs really on this blog or not? First I thought my heart stops, ok, I haven't blogged in ages, but I really don't want to loose my blog completely. But then she explained that she is not really happy with having to cope with a blogspot blog and would much prefer when I would “move house” so to speak. Either as a fellow blogger on one of her own blogs or on an own wordpress blog she would host for me. What do you think? She says she could transfer the blog so that I could take my old blog posts with me and do a bit of her “seo magic” (whatever that is, I only know of “meow magic” that is the one that gets me the treats ;-) so that I don't loose too many of my (few) visitors.
On one hand I would like a blog that is easier for Mommy to maintain and with more features like hers has. On the other hand, I am a creature of habit and don't like moving house. So, what do you think? Would you mind to give me your opinion in a comment? Meanwhile I tell you a bit of what I have done the last months, basically this:

Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes I look like a dead cat when I am sleeping and they have to check if I am really breathing! But I do like my catnaps, I can sleep anywhere. Some of my favorite sleeping places include: The wardrobe, on and under the duvet covers of the beds, on my new climbing treehouse, on the carpet under Mommy's desktop (like a dog she says, argghhh!) and the most weird of all --- on the bath-mat before the shower! But only if nobody is in the shower! So what else have I done the last months do you ask? Lets see:
First I went on holidays / vacations to Uncle G. whilst Mommy and Daddy were away themselves.
Then we all came home and celebrated the re-encounter. I was really happy that M&D were back.
Then we got people to stay with us, couch surfers, friends and family and I did a really good job entertaining them all.
Then I cut Mommy's eye lid rather badly, it was an accident, I swear!
Then M&D went on holidays / vacations again but this time I was allowed to stay at home and “Auntie Sher” from “Czech of the Beaten Path” looked after me, she even called me Mr.Oscar! And after a few days, two people spend their holidays / vacations in our flat, whilst M&D were still away. So I took care of them, and they said I was a really good host!
Then M&D came back and bought me a scratchy tree house only for me alone!
And then I cut Mommy's fingertips open with my claws, only two, and this time even she admitted that it was an unfortunate accident!
So that was it, for the moment, and remember please tell us your opinion in a comment if I should continue to blog here or if I should move house to a very own blog! Thanks a bunch and now the promised second photo. Do you now understand why M&D say that I look sometimes like dead when I sleep?